(ENG) You will need to attach piece of phosphorescence to the brim of a glass of water before you start the performance for your audience. Remember after you have blown out the flame of the lighted candle, you will have to quickly hold the still warm wick to the part of the glass of water where the phosphorescence is attached. This performance work well as the heat of the candle’s wick lightens and enflames the candle once again when you hold the hot wick against the phosphorescence.
(AFR) Voor u met u vertoning begin, het u n klein stukkie fosfor om aan die rand van die glas water te vryf. Hou die pit van die kers wat pas uitgeblaas is by die fosfor en die kers sal aan die brand slaan. Die hitte van die pit laat fosfor ontvlam en dit steek die kers op.
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