(ENG) This trick may seem difficult but it is quite simple. The magician's assistant must have two handkerchiefs of the same color and quality. He places one on the table to do the trick with and keeps the other in his pocket. This handkerchief is now cut into pieces and placed under a glass on the table. The magician says that he is going to give the handkerchief time to recover, and continues with another trick. Meanwhile the assistant puts his hand in the draw from behind the curtain and removes the torn handkerchief by using a trap door in the middle of the table, and places the whole handkerchief inside. The glass is removed and the handkerchief is whole again (a table like this should be made by the student) It is used in many cases and is very convenient. All it takes is a small square slab to be sawed in the middle of the table, and a piece to fit perfectly in that area, this should be able to be removed and placed back by putting your hand in the draw at the back of the table.
 (AFR)  Hierdie vertooning mag moeilik lyk maar dit is heel eenvoudig.  Die towernaar se assistant moet 2 sakdoeke hê van dieselfde kleur en kwaliteit.  Hy gooi een op die tafel neer om die kuns meet te doen en hou die ander in sy sak.  Hierdie sakdoek word nou aan stukkies geskeur en onder n glas wat op n tafeltjie op die verhoog staan, geplaas.  Die Towenaar sê nou dat hy die sakdoek sal tyd gee om te herstel,en gaan solank aan met n ander vertoning.  Intussen steek die assistant sy hand van agter die gordyn uit in die laai van die tafeltjie en verwyder die geskeurde sakdoek deur behulp van n “Valtrap” in die middle van die tafelblad,en plaas die heel sakdoek daarin..  die glas word verwyder en die sakdoek kom heel daaruit.  So n tafeltjie behoort n student vir hom te maak.  Dit word in baie gevalle gebruik,en is baie handig.  Al wat nodig is,is om n klein vierkant uit die plad te saag,en daar n stukkie daar te sit wat presies pas en verwyder kan word deur die hand by die laai in te steek.

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