(ENG)  This is an amazing trick and doesn't need much practice. Get 2 identical rings and a twig. Give the one ring to someone in the audience to inspect and hide the other one in your left hand. Now give them the twig to inspect. As soon as you receive the twig back slide the ring your holding in your left hand over it and keep it in that hand undetected (This will now look like your only holding the stick). Get two people from the audience to hold each end of the stick (try distract them by saying they must lift the stick higher/lower) while doing this hit your right hand (with the ring that you are hiding) on the stick and quickly make the ring that you were holding in your left hand on the stick turn. The audience will be looking at the ring on the stick (this gives you enough time to hide the other ring in your pocket)

(AFR) Hierdie is nou n baie goeie vertoning en vereis min oefening.Kry 2 ringe en n wandelstok.Gee een van die ringe aan die gehoor om te ondersoek,en verberg die ander een in u linkerhand.Gee hulle nou die stok om te ondersoek.So gou u dit terug kry,skuif u die ring in die linkerhand oor die stok en hou dit vas met die hand.Dit lyk asof u net die stok hou maar u het die ring ook.  Laat nou twee persone elkeen aan die stok vashou.  Trek hulle aandag af en sê die stok hoër of laer gehou moet word, en as hulle nog besig is om te probeer doen wat u vir hul sê,slaan u skielik teen die stok met die ring in die regterhand,U ruk u linkerhand terselfdertyd weg en laat die ring in die rondte draai,vinnig.Almal kyk nou na die draaiende ring,en u het baie tyd om die ander ring in u sak te versteek.

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