(ENG) Ask someone out of your audience to lend you his/her wrist watch and invite 3 more (armwatch) persons to come forward as witnesses of the act.  As proof of the wristwatch being in working order,let one person listen to it by asking him/her to hold it close enough to his/her ear to listen for the “obedient” watch”that you have instructed to work and keep in working order.  The person must witness and confess aloud that it is in  working order.  Now you take the watch,instruct it to stop don’t work,and hold it by the ear of another person to confess that he/she does not hear the watch in working order and it has indeed “stopped” when you gave it the instruction to do so.  The secret explanation is the concealed small magnet or a magnetic stone you keep in your left hand.  When the watch is placed on the magnet in your left hand,it will stop working.  Then again after you give it a shake and move it to your right hand it will once again start working again on your instruction.  This called the “obedientwatch”.

(AFR)Leen n horlosie van iemand in die gehoor,en vra n paar persone om rondom u te staan.  Hou die horlosie by die oor van een,en gelas dit om te loop.  Laat hom erken dat die horlosie loop.  Verwyder dit na die oor van n ander terwyl u dit gelas om stil te staan.  Laat hom erken dat die horlosie staan.  Hier is die uitleg:  Dra sorg wanneer u die horlosie leen,dat dit  n goeie een is en goed loop.  Verberg in die linkerhand n klein magneet of magnetiese klip.  Sodra u die horlosie op die magneet in u linkerhand plaas sal hy stil staan.  Verwyder u hom na die regterhand en gee hom n skud,sal hy weer loop

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