(ENG)  The Magician asks  a gentleman out of the audience to lend him his handkerchief,  Let the same gentleman be the assistant on stage while the magician perform this trick.  Close by must be a dish or bowl with eggs, within reach of the magician for this performance.  The magician takes an egg from the bowl, wrap it in the handkerchief and hit it with a hammer.  The gentleman who gave his handkerchief now thinks that that was the last seen of his handkerchief ,but the magician shakes out the handkerchief without a spot on it.
This is how it is done:-  The Magician needs a empty egg shell before’hand in a small tobacco pouch tied to a rubber band which has to be pinned unto the shoulder part of the shirt sleeve.  The bag with the eggshell must hang inside the sleeve of the Magician’s jacket or blazer.  The egg taken from the basket or bowl of eggs, is not the actual one that he places in the given
Handkerchief, instead the Magician pulls the eggshell (in the pouch) downwards and put the actual egg in his blazer pocket.  The assistant can feel the prove and witness that there is an egg in the handkerchief (it is the eggshell that the assistant will feel)  Then the magician hammers the eggshell to pieces and as soon as he leaves it, it pulls up in the sleeve of his blazer(jacket) out of sight. The audience will assumed that it has disappeared.

 (AFR)  Die Towenaar leen n duur en n goeie sakdoek van n heer uit die gehoor en vra hom om op die verhoog te kom en hom met die vertoning te help.  Digby staan n skottel met eiers,  Die Towenaar neem een daaruit,plaas dit in die sakdoek en slaan dit fyn met n hamer.  Die eienaar dink sy sakdoek is verlore,maar die Towenaar skud hom uit en hy makeer niks.
 So word dit gedoen:  Die Towenaar voorsien himself van n leë eierdop en klein twaksakkie wat vasgemaak is aan sy  hempsmou met n stukkie rek.  Die sakkie met eierdop daarin hang in sy baadjiemou.  Hy plaas nie die werklike eier wat hy uit die skottel haal in die sakdoek nie,maar trek die eierdop ( in die sakkie) na onder en plaas die regte eier  in sy onderbaadjiesak.  Hy laat die assistent bo op die sakdoek voel en homself bevredig dat die “eier” daar is.  Dis natuurlik die dop wat hy voel en nie die eier nie.  Die Towenaar slaan nou die dop (wat in die sakkie is) en laat die sakkie uit die sakdoek nou in sy mou opglip. As hy nou die sakdoek oopmaak het als natuurlik verdwyn.

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